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Speaksee - See what you can't hear

Jari Hazelebach, CEO and co-founder of Speaksee, was inspired by his parents who are deaf to enable the deaf and hard of hearing to participate in society again. That is why he developed the Speaksee Microphone Kit that allows the deaf and hard of hearing to follow group conversations. Speaksee is also working on the ability to translate real-time conversations with the new Speaksee CaptionCast product for use during events.

Speaksee products and services therefore come from a deep understanding of their users and their challenges. The Speaksee Microphone Kit records live what is said during personal & group meetings and transcribes the conversation in real time in text on a smartphone. This allows the hearing impaired to instantly read what is being said.

Speaksee identifies speakers in different colors, which then appear in the App. In this way, it is easy to see who is saying what. The Microphone Kit uses a series of sensors to do this. The microphone intelligently isolates and captures speech from the user and rejects noise from other sources.

Speaksee can be used on smartphones, laptops and desktops, and the app is available for iOS and Android devices.

2019 - Speaksee as the first case in our Integrated Capital Lab

Speaksee was the first case presented and discussed with a wide range of different funders in our first Integrated Capital Lab (ICL) of January 2019. Funders in attendance were Oneplanetcrowd (now Invesdor), ABN Amro Sustainable Impact Fund, RVO/Invest International, INZET, Rabo Foundation, Triodos Bank and DOEN Foundation. It was a great kick-start to the ICL proposition for both Speaksee and Generous Minds, as Speaksee received a lot of valuable input on their business at that point. In turn, the funders indicated the stages at which they could support with funding.

The ICL led to a DTIF loan of €215,430 through RVO/Invest International, which enabled Speaksee to produce in collaboration with a Taiwanese partner. This loan has since been paid off and a new loan has been provided and is currently ongoing. In addition, through Generous Minds, Jari was put in touch with an informal investor who, with a group of other informal investors, has to date invested €700,000 in Speaksee.

Generous Minds has ensured that we have access to a very high quality network of social investors who fit well with our vision. I really enjoy working with them because they are really different from others in the market. We work from a foundation of trust, so you don't have to worry about being disadvantaged in the fine print.

Jari Hazelebach, CEO & Founder Speaksee

2019 / 2024 - Generous Minds support - Minds & Money

As time progresses, Speaksee develops in line with expectations. Working closely with Speaksee, we keep the overview and support them with expertise and finding the right impact funders for the next growth phases.

In line with our philosophy, we introduce our Generous Minds experts where relevant, to increase the chances of success and impact with combined forces. For example, support has been and will be provided for:

  • A review on the product design and manufacturing aspects of Speaksee by Ronald Lewerissa

  • Advising on efforts to get Speaksee reimbursed by health insurers with support from Maarten Broekema

  • Creating and substantiating a valuation for first and second round funding by Frank Härte

  • Developing brand awareness by Marie-Claire van Hessen and Britt Vries through our partner MCPR

  • Exploring synergy effects between United Repair Centre, another company supported by Generous Minds, and Speaksee which resulted in this video showing how Speaksee technology is used to help non-native speaking employees communicate with each other in the workplace

  • Guiding the various rounds of funding by Ronald Beuk and Jurek Hryniuk

2024 - 1M+ of growth funding

In the Netherlands, very nice results have now been achieved with the Speaksee Microphone Kit. For example, 1000+ Speaksee kits have been sent to users, to audiological centers, KPN, Rabobank, PWC, various municipalities and the national government. Speaksee is mainly used for the deaf and hard of hearing, but also by non-native speakers. We are very excited about the use of Speaksee in central government and see significant benefits. Whereas on average no more than ten to twelve percent of people with disabilities progressed to permanent employment after a trial placement, that has increased to about half thanks to the use of inclusive technology. It also significantly increases advancement opportunities for this group.

Gerard de Gooijer, Senior Advisor Business Management Domain ICT at the Ministry of the Interior and Kingdom Relations

Speaksee has also been reimbursed by the UWV since the beginning of 2024, so there is no longer a barrier for deaf, hard of hearing and non-native speakers to purchase a Speaksee product in their work environment. Blind MP Daan de Korte (VVD) and Jari announced this early this year through this video.

Because of these developments, Speaksee is ready for the next step abroad. For international expansion to England, Norway, Denmark, Switzerland and Germany and further product development of the Speaksee CaptionCast, over €1 million in growth funding was raised in early July 2024. €800,000 of this came from investors including the Groningen impact fund NoorderImpact and several angel investors, including the founders of Dutch unicorn DataSnipper. In addition, €240,000 of previously raised convertible loans was converted into equity capital. That had to be celebrated!

To develop your business as an entrepreneur you need a lot of resilience, we also call it the resilience factor. What is Jari's resilience factor?

Because my parents are deaf and hard of hearing I experience and feel how difficult this can be. They and also other deaf, hard of hearing and non-native speakers constantly have the feeling that they are not taken into account. That they do not exist. While, in turn, it is very difficult for friends, family and colleagues to focus only on them during a group meeting. I want to solve this and that drive always drags me through it. In addition, the trust that Generous Minds always has in me also supports me tremendously.

Jari Hazelebach, CEO & Founder Speaksee

2030 - Future vision of Jari

Speaksee is ready to make a positive difference for many more deaf, hard of hearing and non-native speakers. Both in education, privately, and in the workplace. Jari's ultimate goal is to make the price of Speaksee products as accessible as possible, so that there are no more barriers for people to participate normally in society again.

All churches, funeral homes, convention centers, lecture halls they want to provide by default with the Speaksee CaptionCast product that is currently under development. Then such a location only needs to plug and play it into an audio system and they are inclusive for everyone at once. Visitors can scan a QR code with their own phone and choose in which language they want to read along (40 languages available). It can also be displayed on a large screen for everyone to read (see Social Enterprise World Forum event, 2023). Or even embed it in a digital broadcast using the same device. Speaksee is one of our favorite entrepreneurs that we actively support with Generous Minds & Money. Jari and his team are very authentic, professional and nice to work with! It is great to experience how they continuously develop Speaksee to the next level and make the desired impact on the lives of deaf, hard of hearing and non-native speakers. Click below to see some initial reactions from users experiencing Speaksee for the first time in their lives.

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