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Alexandre Ayoub

MD International Investment Fund, Funding advisor

What I do

I help clients to improve their pitch for investors by enhancing their story to make it a more compelling proposition for investors

How I help customers

My experience in dealing with hundreds of similar cases may help them in identifying new ways to improve their strategy / pitches and multiply their chances of convincing other investors

Number of sample deliverables

- Improved financial pitch
- Improved financial strategy
- Prepared to answer difficult questions of investors

Example customers

Momenteel Head of Emerging Markets, Waha Capital


About me

Currently I am Managing Director at an international investment fund. I have seen hundreds of companies and pitches, mainly asking questions and brainstorming on whether we can invest in them and how. I can help entrepreneurs and companies to improve their pitches 1) by asking them difficult questions they may face and looking for better answers with them; and, 2) by working with them on enhancing their story & their potential to make them an even more compelling proposition for investors. We do 5-10 sessions with the entrepreneur to refine their pitches, starting by the 10s/30s/2min/5min pitches, then digging into key questions and challenges, looking at their projections & valuation, data room / investment memo, video pitches. Brainstorming on what do they really need, what kind of investor may be better suited for them, what are their strategic options and how do they rank them.

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