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Brian Kwakman

Junior with Financial & Commercial focus

What I do

I support the financing process of social enterprises to help them create impact for people and the planet. Additionally, I offer my expertise in the areas of marketing, sales, and branding

How I help customers

For companies in need of financing, the search for the right investment partner can consume a significant amount of time and resources. My approach begins with a meticulous pre-selection of suitable investment partners, assessing their specific interest in the business. Additionally, I provide my expertise to social and sustainable enterprises in the realms of marketing, sales, and branding. My goal is to assist them in achieving sustainable growth

Number of sample deliverables

- Financial/Informal investor contacts
- Meetings with financiers/investors
- Support in Sales, Marketing, Branding

Example customers

SolarDew, Wavepiston, De Lokalist, Landcent


About me

Currently, I am writing my final thesis for my Bachelor of Science in Commercial Economics at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. My roots lie in a family where hard work for financial success was deemed of utmost importance. While I appreciate what I have learned, I have personally found that my true passion lies not just in pursuing financial goals but in striving for a greater purpose: contributing to a new meaningful economy where we don't solely focus on profit maximization.

My motivation to make a positive impact on the world every day stems from the belief that collectively, in the Western world, we can make a small effort for the less fortunate. In this way, I believe we can solve the contemporary global problems, which we ultimately caused ourselves, faster than we can imagine. I acknowledge that this requires a significant mental shift, and although it may take time, I am determined to believe that it is possible.

Since the past year, I have been dedicated to Generous Minds, and this has given me the feeling that in this way, I can make a significant contribution to the much-needed mental change. I believe in the power of the collective, and together with Generous Minds, we strive for a higher purpose. My expertise lies in marketing, sales, branding, and financing. I am good at these areas and aim to become even better. But above all, I see these skills as tools to serve a greater purpose.

Steward Ownership: My thesis at Generous Minds revolves around Steward Ownership, an innovative model of business ownership that seamlessly aligns with both my personal vision and that of Generous Minds. Going beyond traditional structures, Steward Ownership emphasizes sustainability, long-term thinking, and societal responsibility. My motivation to explore this lies in the belief that companies play a pivotal role in creating a meaningful economy. Within Generous Minds, I see Steward Ownership as a powerful approach to guide businesses toward more sustainable models.

Sustainability in Action: I am confident that my research not only contributes to my academic growth but also aligns with Generous Minds' mission to assist companies in achieving a positive impact on the world. Together, we are committed to fostering a business environment where profit is measured not only in financial terms but also in sustainability, ethics, and societal value creation.

Practical Application in Business Advisory: For me, Steward Ownership is not just a concept but a practical approach to help businesses transition to ownership structures in line with sustainable values. In my thesis, I explore how Generous Minds can leverage this model as an effective tool in business advisory, enabling organizations to grow not only in profit but also in sustainability and societal relevance.

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